Friday, April 3, 2009

A sneak peak for the magazine!

I don't know about you, but I find writing, writing and more writing a little dull and don't they say that a picture tells a thousand words? Dear reader, I think that your curiosity in my blog deserves to be rewarded and so therefore I'm going to give you all a sneak peak at something I've worked very hard on - my first magazine advertisement. Its debuting role will be in the swanky Melbourne Bride in the upcoming June edition, chosen for its high class demographics, large distribution and the bonus that it will be given to every bride attending the huge Melbourne Bridal Expo. I have my fingers crossed that it makes a splash!

Melbourne Weather

In terms of Melbourne weather I should not have been surprised that the apparent humid and overcast day turned into a torrential downpour that had lightning strikes sending planes into chaos. Nor should I have been surprised that after all that turmoil, the weather cleared leaving blue skies.

I think that makes it the ideal time to stay inside and catch up on work, hence why I have finally joined the wide world of blogging.

Please bare with me as I try to avoid numerous pitfalls, computer errors and general faux-pas as I blog my little heart out about my business: I Will Invitations and all that is interesting in the world of weddings. I shall endeavour to do the best I can and hope that somehow in that process that you, dear reader, will find it interesting!